Tuesday 23 September 2014

#newsFor #Tesco #share #price #dntstore

ALEX BRUMMER: Did the plunging share price send them into a panic?

  • Supermarket giant has admitted inflating its finance accounts by £250million 
  • Tesco has seen £2billion wiped off market value and shares drop 40 per cent
  • 'Four senior executives' among those also suspended while probe occurs 
  • Multi-channel director Robin Terrell has stepped in to run the UK business

Tesco’s slide from global grocery champion to chain store chump has been so rapid it takes the breath away.
It was perhaps understandable that it would go through a difficult transition after the brilliant Terry Leahy departed in 2011. 
A more pedestrian chief executive, Phil Clarke, was fired in July after three miserable years in the job. But the problems the company revealed yesterday are of an entirely different order.

SIt’s deeply shocking to discover that Britain’s largest retailer has been rigging its profit figures to make them look better.
In the context of Tesco – whose profits, before tax, last year totalled £2.8billion – a mistake of £250million may not appear that overwhelming. The company still dominates British grocery, with 28.2 per cent of the total market, and has operations stretching from South Korea to Poland.
But we must remember that the missing quarter of a billion is more than many high street retail chains earn in a full year.
And Tesco is a relatively uncomplicated enterprise – one that is able to add up the cash passing through its tills every day.
It seems astonishing that the leading accountancy firm PwC, which has audited Tesco’s accounts for more than three decades, could have allowed an error on this scale to happen on its watch.
Indeed, the choice of a top ‘magic circle’ law firm Freshfields, along with new accountants Deloitte, to conduct a probe into the affair suggests that it goes deeper than a simple accounting mistake.
So what on earth has gone on?
It was amid a slumping share price – and management chaos – that Tesco’s latest chief executive Dave Lewis arrived at the company from consumer goods giant Unilever on September 1. 
He discovered that the previous team, reporting to the office of Ferrari-driving Phil Clarke, was under enormous pressure from investors to buff up the company’s performance – and preserve their jobs and bonuses.
To this end, they allegedly manipulated the published figures by counting profits before they had been rung up at the tills. At the same time, they allegedly under-reported the costs of goods from suppliers.

This is the kind of shoddy practice one might expect from struggling businesses way down the corporate pecking order. That it should come at one of Britain’s most respected FTSE 100 companies is astounding. Already, four top-level executives – including UK managing director Chris Bush – have been suspended.
And before you think this is merely a problem for a very large and rich company, consider that everyone in the country with a company pension fund, or an insurance policy, or a share ISA, is a loser because some of their money will automatically be invested in Tesco.
The group’s shares are now down 40 per cent this year, with £2billion wiped off in latest trading. Tesco has long represented a mass of contradictions. 
It has been a smart innovator, moving back into small neighbourhood stores before its competitors, exploiting online shopping, and moving into new areas such as banking, and even upmarket coffee shops.
But at the same time it is reviled by suppliers who accuse it of bullying practices and slow payment of invoices. It’s also hated by the green lobby for ‘concreting’ over swathes of Britain, and accused of hoarding valuable land and property suitable for housing. 
The first indications of fundamental problems came in January 2012. Mr Clarke, less than a year into the role of chief executive, warned profits would fail to meet expectations for the first time in 19 years.
In April of the same year he announced a £1billion revival plan directed at improving the stores that were described by some consumers as cold, industrial and unappealing in appearance, and offering poor customer service.
But Tesco was also a victim of cultural change sweeping through high streets, shopping centres and malls. As a mid-market retailer, it found itself caught in a vice between the no-frills retailers at the discount end of the market, and the rising strength of Marks & Spencer and Waitrose among the more aspirational shoppers.
At the same time, the company’s huge investment in out-of-town Tesco Extra superstores was undermined by the digital revolution which ushered in Amazon and price comparison websites.
Tesco also found itself in retreat in America, China and Eastern Europe. These were challenges enough without a £250million gap in profits, which will mean many people will find it hard to trust the group for some time.
By holding its own inquiry, the Tesco board – headed by former HMRC chief Richard Broadbent – will hope to keep official investigators at bay and deal with any issues internally. That may be very difficult given the importance of the company and the threat to the reputation of British business.
And, while the public will continue to shop in its stores, long-suffering suppliers, investors and regulators may be much less forgiving.
esco said today that the overstatement of its half-year profits by £250million was 'principally due to the accelerated recognition of commercial income and delayed accrual of costs'. 
This could mean that the reporting of any costs Tesco incurred during the first half of the financial year was been pushed back into the second half, and profits from the second put forward.
In regard to supermarkets, commercial income can be the revenue the chain receives from the companies which supply its products, who compete for the prime spots on the supermarket's shelves.  
Some of these firms will pay Tesco a listing fee in order for their products to be stocked in stores.
They will also shell out in order to bag a prime shelf location or for any promotions or product discounts involving their goods, which often lead to increased sales for the supplier.
The supplier may offer a discount on items sold through the supermarket, and although some brands may give an incentive or payment, known as a rebate, to the store upfront, others would only do so if it reaches a sales target.
Halfway through the financial year, supermarkets must predict how much they expect rebates will be worth over the course of the year, but this estimation requires some guess work by managers over money yet to be received.
Warwick Business School’s Crawford Spence said the revelation should be interpreted as a 'sign of distress'.
'Tesco has essentially tried to recognise revenue too early and delay the recording of costs until a later date,' he said.
'Accounting is not a hard science and some of this behaviour is acceptable, within limits. What Tesco appear to have done is push the boat out a bit too far, ending up with revenue that hadn't really been earned yet and costs that probably should have been booked earlier.'(source:daily mail)


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