Monday 16 February 2015

#Space Jam #Dunk 2015 Sprite Slam #tshirt #sport #astrology #dntstore

Watch An NBA Player Recreate The Mind-Blowing Dunk From ‘Space Jam’

Four NBA players faced off in Saturday’s (February 14) 2015 Sprite Slam Dunk contest, but the other three didn’t stand a chance against 19-year-old Minnesota Timberwolves guard Zach LaVine’s homage to a classic big-screen sports moment.
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Stepping onto the court in a #23 Michael Jordan Tune Squad jersey from the movie “Space Jam,” LaVine proceeded to blow away the competition by recreating the film’s seminal slam dunk. You seriously need to see this one to believe it.
The move earned LaVine a perfect score, as did his round 2 dunk – making him the second-youngest champion in the history of the event (behind an 18-year-old Kobe Bryant in 1997).


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